Friday, 29 January 2010

5 Tapping Tips for the Day

  1. Tap before a troublesome phone call/email/visit...

"Even though I don't want to make this phone call/email/visit, I deeply and completely love and accept myself..."

  • a round of all the negatives, "don't like", "scared", resistant", whatever your feelings are.
  • a round of positives, "I'm strong and confident", "This easy phone call", whatever works...

2. Tap under the shower

"Even though I don't know what the day will bring, I love and accept myself completely.."

  • "don't know", "worried about this", whatever any blocks to complete joy might be in that moment
  • "I look forward with excitement to this day", "I embrace all that it will bring", "I look forward to being kind today", whatever you feel like in the moment...

3. Mentally Tap around your eyes as you drive. This will give you clarity and focus.

4. The Gratitude Tapping. Morning, noon or night. You choose. It's the important one.

5. Someone upsets you? you know what to do. Take responsibility and deal with it. After all, if you love and accept yourself completely.....

What in the world...

Have been quiet for the last while on the blogging front. Sometimes family just takes over and this was never meant to be a confessional blog. Since I last wrote both my children have left home, one to University and one to a residential home. And what am I left with? the world....

After a few weeks of picking things up off the floor, (the younger one went a bit mad), and a few weeks of working on my tan and doing nothing, I delved (dove?) back into cyberspace and discovered.....
  • friends
  • strangers who became friends...
  • tips
  • tips that became friends...
  • some wierd things
  • an online exam...

What in the world is there out there? everything.

I invite you to join me in discovering that everything.