Tuesday, 10 August 2010

All is change....

I was thinking about change this morning as I was walking along the beach....the sun was low in the sky, casting long shadows, the tide was low, with seemingly endless reaches of wave patterned sand to walk on. I try to walk on the beach every morning. It is a fabulous way to start the day and one way of appreciating my incredible fortune in living in such a beautiful area. It also gives me the opportunity to witness change at first hand. Every day as the times of the tides change, so the seascape changes. Because we have shallow water and a big tide, the variations are extreme. Sometimes the tide is right in, and the waves are crashing right against the ridge of pebbles that make up the high shore. At other times, like today, the tide is way out, and the endless miles of sand are like a template for an empty mind, gleaming pale gold in those early rays....emptiness, space, light...

This is also the time of day I do most "tapping". I allow the empty spaces of the beach to help me access what is going on inside, what is churning through my mind, what is gong on in my body, what my dreams have been....If there is an issue "on top", I can tap on that. But what I most appreciate is when my walk allows me to fall deeper into myself, so I can go deeper, so that I can clear more and return to my day rejuvenated.

Why would I do this as a daily practice? Because change is happening all the time, in my life , in your life, in the world. It is so easy to let things be swept under the carpet, to allow old patterns to continue to work their sneaky powers. Most of the time we don't even know it is happening. We just know what it feels like not to let change in....."Oh, I just forgot", we might say as we fail to keep a commitment to ourselves, for example, to stick to a weight loss plan. Or we feel the resistance, and get stuck there..."I really want a new job but every time I think of sending in my CV I get a sick feeling". Or, "I know what I need to do to, but I just seem to get way laid on the way", as we endlessly prevaricate.

Or maybe it isn't the change you want, and can't make happen, but change that snuck up and you didn't realise...the relationship that is slowly hardening and until you remembered what it felt like to celebrate your birthday together last year, you didn't realise how bad it was; the gradual putting on of weight and it takes trying on an old favourite to find it doesn't fit you any more...

So these sorts of change happen to me, and the way I understand and integrate them all is to tap on them. Meridian tapping or EFT, allows me to go deeper, to clear any negative stuff that is in the way and to move forward. (If you are reading this and don't know about EFT, you might want to go to my website and check it out there. http://www.eft4change.co.uk/)

This morning I was musing on why I have put on some extra weight recently. The example I gave above about the clothes not fitting happened to me as I packed for our summer holiday. Summer skirts were somehow scarily hard to zip up! How did that happen?! I knew I had been eating a bit more but hadn't paid it much attention. (I know that eating more puts on weight, but I always look for the emotional reasons for behaviour and since I felt "fine" I had assumed I was just being greedy). On my beach walk, however, I started tapping, "Even though I have put on weight and I am not sure why, I accept myself and my feelings.." Quite soon, some thoughts and images began to flit across my consciousness and I suddenly "got" why I had been eating more. Nothing to do with greed and everything to do with an event that happened about 2 months ago that I hadn't processed, had felt "fine" about but that in fact had harmed me. The result? Liking myself less, eating more. I tapped and cleared until I could tap some wonderful help for the future, "Even though I allowed this to happen to me, I choose to reclaim my body and celebrate my beauty.."

Noticing, clearing, transforming, intregration. Clarity. All good stuff.

Which brings me on to why I am talking about Change. My colleague, Hilary Barrett, has set up a wonderful sounding Festival of Change - http://tiny.cc/r5jf7 taking place at the beginning of September. There are all sorts of interesting speakers (including me, yeah!) and the whole theme has just set me thinking...

All is change.

Let's go with it, work with it, embrace it, discard the rubbish and move forwards with confidence.

Friday, 5 February 2010

Our Old Friend Less is More

Are you suffering from information overload? It's so easy isn't it?
We sit at our computers and it's too much!!!

Here is a great article I just read reminding us of the basics...

How am I feeling? When you really learn how to do that, your life can be transformed..

Check out..www.robblackburn.co.uk/2010/02/advice-overload/-

"Even though I am feeling........(............)......I deeply and completely love and accept myself".

Thank you, once again, to Gary Craig, for such an elegant and useful tool...

Friday, 29 January 2010

5 Tapping Tips for the Day

  1. Tap before a troublesome phone call/email/visit...

"Even though I don't want to make this phone call/email/visit, I deeply and completely love and accept myself..."

  • a round of all the negatives, "don't like", "scared", resistant", whatever your feelings are.
  • a round of positives, "I'm strong and confident", "This easy phone call", whatever works...

2. Tap under the shower

"Even though I don't know what the day will bring, I love and accept myself completely.."

  • "don't know", "worried about this", whatever any blocks to complete joy might be in that moment
  • "I look forward with excitement to this day", "I embrace all that it will bring", "I look forward to being kind today", whatever you feel like in the moment...

3. Mentally Tap around your eyes as you drive. This will give you clarity and focus.

4. The Gratitude Tapping. Morning, noon or night. You choose. It's the important one.

5. Someone upsets you? you know what to do. Take responsibility and deal with it. After all, if you love and accept yourself completely.....

What in the world...

Have been quiet for the last while on the blogging front. Sometimes family just takes over and this was never meant to be a confessional blog. Since I last wrote both my children have left home, one to University and one to a residential home. And what am I left with? the world....

After a few weeks of picking things up off the floor, (the younger one went a bit mad), and a few weeks of working on my tan and doing nothing, I delved (dove?) back into cyberspace and discovered.....
  • friends
  • strangers who became friends...
  • tips
  • tips that became friends...
  • some wierd things
  • an online exam...

What in the world is there out there? everything.

I invite you to join me in discovering that everything.